The majority of data for Bestong Smart Phone Book is uploaded by businesses themselves, however, part of the data may come from some newspaper and magazine. If you don't want your business information to be listed in the Phone Book, please contact us asap so we can delete your business listing from our database.
If certain Ad picture has violated your copyright, please contact the original business to solve the matter. Bestong Sydney won't do any Ad picture copyright checking. Only original business can apply for deleting Ad picture from the Phone Book. Any third party requests won't be responded to protect the original business's right. Original business can send us an email to apply for deleting Ad picture from the Phone Book. Once we confirmed the application with the original business, the relevant Ad picture will be deleted from the database.
Disclaimer: Bestong Data Service P/L reserves the right to change or modify any service content or terms without notice.
Quality Brands, Quality Businesses.
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