关于我们 (About Us)

百事通澳洲黄页由百事通数据服务公司 ( Bestong Data Service P/L ) 于2011年7月在悉尼上线开通,旨在为澳洲悉尼,墨尔本和布里斯班地区的华人用户提供优质和免费的网上电话簿查询业务,同时也为希望做广告的商家提供了方便和有效的广告平台。互联网和智慧型手机的出现,令传统电话簿查阅过时和落伍,广大用户渴望有更快,更方便的网上查阅方式。百事通澳洲黄页的出现,满足了用户的时代需求,可以提供24小时不间断数据查询业务,不再受时间和空间的限制。无论你在商场,还是在咖啡店,或是在火车上,均可通过手机或电脑进行网上电话簿查询,实现真正的移动搜索。

百事通澳洲黄页采用市场领先的搜索引擎,能为阁下提供中英文双语,精确和模糊搜索。 页面设计清爽简炼,尤其适合小屏幕智慧型手机如 iPhone 和安卓手机的阅读。


Bestong Smart Phone Book was established by Bestong Data Service P/L which became active in July 2011. It provides excellent and free online Phone Book service to Chinese communities in Great Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane of Australia. It also provides a convenient platform for businesses who wish to advertise their products or services to Chinese communities in Australia. The internet and smart phones have made traditional Phone Book obsolete. More and more people are looking forward to faster and more convenient Phone Book. Bestong Smart Phone Book has met the market needs which provides 24 hour non-stop data service without limitation to time and place. Whenever you are shopping or sitting in the coffee shop or even in the train, you can always search the online Phone Book easily through smart phones or computers. Mobile Search has finally become the reality.

Bestong Smart Phone Book uses market leading search engine which can provide English and Chinese bilingual searching. You can even search by accurate or approximate searching methods. The clean and neat webpage design makes reading very easy even on small screens like iPhone and Android smart phones.

Database of the Phone Book has covered every aspect of businesses or normal daily life, however, the majority are Chinese businesses and professionals. Most Chinese businesses and professionals can provide market competitive prices and more customized services without language and culture barriers.


Disclaimer: Bestong Data Service P/L reserves the right to change or modify any service content or terms without notice.



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