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更新时间:2021-10-11 商家 ID:B14
澳洲联合旅游有限公司 UNITY TRAVEL SERVICE PTY. LTD 注册成立于 2004 , 历年来成功通过澳大利亚安全投资委员会审核批准,并经由澳大利亚洲纽省公平交易厅颁发正式旅行社执照。在澳洲旅游, 新西兰旅游, 斐济旅游运营过程中有多年的经验。旅行社在悉尼Eastwood, 提供澳洲旅游团, 新西兰旅游团, 斐济旅游团等优质旅游线路,是一家值得信赖的华人旅行社。 旅行社成立后,经过多年的改革创新,诚信经营,团结...
更新时间:2021-10-11 商家 ID:B13777
悉尼水上飞机旅游公司(Sydney By Seaplane)提供一系列无以伦比的观光飞行,在海港及澳大路亚最著名城市波光粼粼的海岸线上方欣赏绝佳美景,提供包机前往独特的滨水餐厅、玫瑰湾(Rose Bay)和棕榈海滩(Palm Beach)享受一日往返飞行观光,并提供周末度假、空中拍摄、电影制作或婚礼/特殊目的地航班。 公司最受欢迎的航班是前往农舍角酒馆(Cottage Point Inn)、贝罗拉水上酒馆(Berowra Wate...
更新时间:2021-10-11 商家 ID:B13776
位于悉尼北部的当地旅行社 Sydney OutBack 为旅客提供无数珍贵难忘体验,您可参与其中,探索美丽水道、迷人桉树林以及原住民岩石艺术与雕刻。您将与本土野生动物相遇,了解更多有关世界上最为古老的文化。 原野与原住民探索者导览与巡游之旅(Wilderness and Aboriginal Explorer Tour and Cruise)是透过乘搭巴士、航船及步行三种方式,探索悉尼北部澳洲第二古老的国家公园,即库灵盖蔡司国家公...
更新时间:2021-10-11 商家 ID:B13771
Berrima Retreat酒店为大型团体提供一流的自助式住宿服务 仅$49每人起。 在这里您可以找到周末市场,小古董,古董,画廊,咖啡馆,当地酒吧和获奖餐厅和附近的Berrima村。 它可以为以下活动提供很好的场地选择: 婚礼 品酒 家庭团聚 生日 公司活动 训练 附近有许多当地的葡萄园。 设施包括 袋鼠跳线,充气枕头跳垫大型户外国际象棋+井字棋+蹦床,大型篝火+沙池+台球桌+乒乓球+健身房,...
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B6598
SDCtravel成立于2010年初,是集国际机票订购、境内境外旅游于 一体的专业旅游服务公司。我公司拥有经过专门培训,熟悉旅游业务的从业多 年的工作人员,我们以高度的信誉及优惠的价格,热忱的为客户服务。在发展中公司与境内外客户开展真诚、共赢的合作,力图为广大旅游者及同行提供便捷、高 效、安全、优质的服务。 SDCtravel为您提供的服务项目有: - 澳洲国内及国际机票预定:我们与世界各国航空公司有着紧密的业务往来,提供最优惠...
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B4717
国安旅行扎根悉尼Homebush West多年,公司靠近Flemington 火车站,交通非常方便。公司在中国打折机票和代办中国签证方面,业务一直迅猛发展。同时公司拥有多条澳洲国内旅游和中国旅游的黄金路线,可让客户享受更多酒店、机票和门票打折: 澳洲国内路线: 1, 蓝山一日游:$30起; 2, 堪培拉一日游:$30起; 3, 史帝温港及酒庄一日游:$30起; 4, 墨尔本旅行大巴四天游:$298起; 5, 黄金海岸和布...
见闻国际旅行社 CYC Travel Services Pty Ltd
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B11947
见闻国际旅行社成立于1988年,目前已有30年专业旅游服务经验。公司拥有由澳洲新南威尔士州、维多利亚州、昆士兰州交通管理局批核的旅游巴士运作执照。见闻国际旅行社的业务范围涵盖旅游、机票、邮轮、保险、酒店、包车、包团等,为您提供一站式旅游服务。我们在 CITY (唐人街), EASTWOOD (依仕活) 以及HURSTVILLE(好仕围)都设有分公司,在业界具有良好的口碑和很高的信誉度。 本公司由多位精通旅游业务的管理层及熟练的执行...
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B614
日月光旅游(ANZ SKY TOURS LTD), 是经政府登记注册的合法企业,并获得新西兰权威的Qualmark高品质认证资格,是您出行旅游的信心保障。公司总部与2000年设立于新西兰最大城市奥克兰,并于2006年在澳大利亚悉尼设立分部。长期以来公司秉着专业、热诚的态度致力于服务全球游客,专责推广及销售代理新西兰旅游、澳大利亚旅游、南太平洋岛国旅游、机票、邮轮等相关产品,为广大消费者设计、推荐及安排称心如意的旅游假期。 我们的服...
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B10493
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B11934的控股公司Expresslink Holdings Pty Ltd成立于2003年,公司ABN: 49 102 571 004,旅行社营业执照号为2TA5409, 公司旗下另一品牌Express Travelink多年来凭着诚信待客、服务大众的宗旨,赢得了广大顾客的信任和支持。随着自由行客人的急剧增长,自主行程、享受自由的旅游概念深入人心,为了能让众多的海内外华人全方位享受澳洲的阳光、蓝天、碧海。公司适时推出e...
长城旅行社(长城假期)Great Wall Travel Service Pty Ltd
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B9395
更新时间:2020-11-17 商家 ID:B11931
NEW HORIZON TOUR(新天地旅行社)作为一家专业的澳大利亚当地华人旅行社,集合了澳大利亚众多的优质旅游线路,包含了澳洲大部分的旅游城市景点区域,拥有非常丰富的多样化的旅游形式,涵盖澳洲东西南北中常规线路,国家公园探索游等热门旅游景点,邮轮旅游,酒店预定,特价机票以及高端定制等。全而多的优势方便了来澳洲旅游的游客更便捷的找到符合自己需要的线路,而不再需要费时费力进行线路比较。此外我们也拥有专业的旅游顾问团队,提供旅游咨询,定制...
更新时间:2020-03-09 商家 ID:B12147
立吉达旅游公司 Digital Travel Pty Ltd
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11953
立吉達旅遊公司於1989年在澳洲布里斯本成立。主要服務對象為居住在澳洲的華人朋友。基於業務穩定成長與客戶支持,第二間門市於1992年在布里斯本Sunnybank (現為公司總部)成立,提供居住于布里斯本南區的朋友們更方便與專業的旅遊服務。 在1995年10月與1996年7月,本公司將我們的服務據點繼續延伸到黃金海岸與雪梨市中心。2003年8月,於布里斯本南區Market Square成立直營子公司- 8達通旅行社〈Ezyfly.c...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11951
悉尼水上飞机旅游公司(Sydney By Seaplane)提供一系列无以伦比的观光飞行,在海港及澳大路亚最著名城市波光粼粼的海岸线上方欣赏绝佳美景,提供包机前往独特的滨水餐厅、玫瑰湾(Rose Bay)和棕榈海滩(Palm Beach)享受一日往返飞行观光,并提供周末度假、空中拍摄、电影制作或婚礼/特殊目的地航班。 公司最受欢迎的航班是前往农舍角酒馆(Cottage Point Inn)、贝罗拉水上酒馆(Berowra Wate...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B8879
我们秉承最真诚的服务态度带给您最专业的旅游咨询;最优质的旅游产品;最合理的产品价格;让您的整个旅程都因为有我们而感到舒心,快乐。 我们提供的产品有: 1. 澳洲境内游-悉尼,墨尔本,黄金海岸,凯恩斯,塔斯马尼亚,汉密尔顿岛,阿德莱德,帕斯等城市; 2. 澳洲境外游-斐济,新西兰,亚洲,东南亚,欧洲,美国等国家;澳洲各地景点特价门票; 3. 澳洲各地景点的特别活动的船票或者直升飞机;澳洲跳伞或者悉尼攀登大桥等特别活动的预订。 4...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11944
澳华旅行社 ( TRAVEL SEEKERS PTY LTD ) 成立于1988年,是澳大利亚政府注册的一家旅游公司。商业登记号为:11 003 763 442。我们的主要经营范围:澳洲境内游、境外游;代理销售国际、国内机票;预订澳洲境内和世界各国酒店;公务、商务考察及澳洲境内主题游;自由行等。另外公司还提供签证服务;接机服务;包车服务;预订景点门票和餐饮服务等。面对的主要客户群为华人(大陆、台湾、香港、东南亚)及澳洲本地人。我们的服务...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11941
金程旅游 GO TRIP PTY.LTD为专业旅运集团。旗下有旅行社和车队,为了配合集团提供更全面的旅游服务,由资深旅行专家策划及管理营运,公司以诚信,专业,务实,合理,赢得了客人的信赖和支持。 公司服务宗旨:游客花少钱享受丰富优质的行程。帮助每一位客人有效地解决在旅途中遇到的问题,让每一位顾客即使“身处他乡”仍然可以感受到来自我们的牵挂。公司为旅游爱好者提供高品质旅行团、主题旅游、邮轮假期、商务旅游及独立组团等服务。每年组织、安排来自...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B498
悉尼东方旅行社经营澳洲前往中国各大、中城市间以及世界各地的往来机票(直飞或转机抵达),代理的主要航空公司包括中国国际航空公司,中国东方航空公司,中国南方航空公司,中国四川航空公司,澳洲国家航空公司,香港国泰航空公司等;推出各种主题、形式多样、满足不同旅游需求、文化含量丰厚的旅行团;代办赴中国签证。 悉尼东方旅行社(LongwayTravel.)于1995年在澳大利亚新南威尔士州成立并注册以来,以专业高效的真心服务积累了良好...
Active Travel 澳式旅游(全澳服务) 不购物,欧美背包客团.深度体验.无需攻略
更新时间:2018-10-12 商家 ID:B10811
Active Travel 堪培拉本地Local旅行社 拥有超过五年以上各类旅行团,私人游定制等服务 想出去旅游你还在自己苦苦安排行程做攻略吗?不知道哪些地方好玩?爸妈亲戚来澳洲要安排旅游线路?放假想去乌鲁鲁,塔斯马尼亚,新西兰可惜没有能开车的小伙伴?不再带你购物买买买,让Active Travel来帮你重新定义旅游!省时省心,专业服务!更重要的是,我们还有旅行社专属机构折扣,专业的服务不需要任何服务费,因为我们的收入来自旅游公...
更新时间:2016-08-01 商家 ID:B4716
卓越旅游位于悉尼著名学区Carlingford。公司营运多年,在Carlingford 及周边地区拥有忠实的客户群。公司秉着优越的客户服务,优惠的旅游套餐,深受当地年轻学子们的好评。公司同时擅长打折机票,可以为客户在众多的航空公司中选择非常优惠的航班组合。热衷于中国旅游或澳洲国内旅游的顾客,很容易在我们这里找到非常实惠的旅游路线,享受更多酒店和门票打折。卓越旅游随时欢迎您的光临。 地址: Shop G12a, Carlingfo...
更新时间:2014-03-16 商家 ID:B6580
Built in the early 1900s, Challis Lodge offers affordable accommodations in Sydney's stylish Potts Point area. It features a sunny outdoor courtyard, a guest kitchen and communal laundry facilities.Challis Lodge Sydney i...
更新时间:2014-03-16 商家 ID:B6578
我们位于市中心,交通便捷。 This hotel is in the heart of the city, close to public transportation and just a 5 minute walk from Central Station. Guests have access to a restaurant and bar.Each of the spacious and comfortable rooms...
更新时间:2014-03-16 商家 ID:B6577
A central location near Hyde Park, an on-site micro-brewery and sleek, budget-friendly rooms add up to a good value for Priceline guests who stay at the Econo Lodge Sydney South. Features: Set in a charming 19th-cent...
Best Western Plus Hotel Stellar
更新时间:2014-03-16 商家 ID:B6576
Just 260 ft from Hyde Park and Oxford Street, Hotel Stellar offers spacious apartments with a kitchen or kitchenette and flat-screen cable TV. It features a cafe and a bar with a large flat-screen TV.Located in the heart...
更新时间:2014-03-16 商家 ID:B6575
In trendy Potts Point, Devere offers air-conditioned accommodations with flat-screen TVs. It features a restaurant and a business center. Kings Cross, Sydney's nightlife capital, is a 5 minute walk away.Hotel Devere is a...
更新时间:2014-03-16 商家 ID:B6574
Macleay Lodge is located just a 5 minute walk from both Woolloomooloo Bay and Kings Cross. It offers affordable rooms with a refrigerator and tea and coffee making facilities.All rooms have a fan and access to shared bat...
Rendezvous Studio Hotel Sydney Central
更新时间:2014-03-16 商家 ID:B6573
The 4-star Rendezvous Studio Hotel Sydney Central offers comfort and convenience whether you're on business or holiday in Sydney. The hotel offers a wide range of amenities and perks to ensure you have a great time. Meet...
更新时间:2014-03-13 商家 ID:B6571
This 4-star hotel, overlooking Hyde Park in the heart of downtown Sydney, offers spacious rooms with LCD TV, cooking facilities and air conditioning. Free parking is included.Guests have a choice of large studios, family...
更新时间:2014-03-13 商家 ID:B6570
完备设施,服务真诚! Stay at the modern Travelodge Manly-Warringah and enjoy access to the gym, pool, bars, restaurants and entertainment of the adjacent club. You can also take advantage of the magnificent nearby Northern Beac...
更新时间:2014-03-13 商家 ID:B6569
The Arts Hotel on Oxford Street is located in the fashionable inner city area of Paddington. This hotel is surrounded by specialty boutiques, restaurants, cafes, movie theaters and galleries.The accommodations provided a...
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6567
The ibis Sydney World Square is in the heart of Sydney, right next to World Square Center. It offers air-conditioned rooms with flat-screen TVs, and features a fitness center, restaurant and bar.World Square ibis Sydney ...
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6566
Within a 15-minute walk of Sydney Central Station, Y Hotel City South features an internet kiosk and free continental breakfast. All rooms are air-conditioned and include a TV and tea/coffee making facilities.Each modern...
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6565
远眺悉尼港的美景敬候您的到来. Featuring a rooftop swimming pool and sun deck with views of Sydney Harbor, Darling Harbor and the city, the Park Regis offers spacious rooms surrounded by Sydney's best shopping and restaurants.Park R...
Rendezvous Stafford Hotel Sydney
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6564
我们位于悉尼洛克区,期待您的光临. In the heart of Sydney's historic Rocks district, Rendezvous Stafford Hotel features a swimming pool, a hot tub and a sauna. The self-contained rooms include a full kitchen and flat-screen cable TV.R...
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6563
Pensione Hotel Sydney is a popular choice amongst travelers in Sydney, whether exploring or just passing through. Both business travelers and tourists can enjoy the hotel's facilities and services. To be found at the hot...
Airport Sydney International Inn Hotel
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6562
Airport Sydney International Inn Hotel is conveniently located in the popular Sydney Airport area. Offering a variety of facilities and services, the hotel provides all you need for a good night's sleep. Room service, ca...
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6561
Right next to Central Station, Posh Hotel Sydney offers modern rooms with flat-screen TV, free Wi-Fi and fully stocked minibar. Chinatown and Sydney Entertainment Centre are just a 10 minute walk away.All rooms feature m...
North Parramatta Serviced Apartments - Bellevue Street
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6560
地处北帕拉马塔,恭候大驾!! Offering accommodation with a balcony, well-equipped kitchen and a large lounge area, North Parramatta Serviced Apartments - Bellevue Street are just 2 km from Parramatta Railway Station.Apartments at B...
更新时间:2014-03-12 商家 ID:B6559
美丽悉尼,精彩回忆!!! PARKROYAL Parramatta Hotel is a popular choice amongst travelers in Sydney, whether exploring or just passing through. The hotel offers a high standard of service and amenities to suit the individual need...
Breakfree Bankstown International Hotel
更新时间:2014-03-11 商家 ID:B6557
交通便利,设施完备,敬请光临! Located in Olympic Park - Bankstown, BreakFree Bankstown International Hotel is a perfect starting point from which to explore Sydney. The property features a wide range of facilities to make your stay...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6514
With a central location overlooking Darling Harbour, this modern Ibis hotel features a restaurant, bar and rooms with great city views.Each room at Ibis Sydney Darling Harbour has an LCD TV, individually controlled air c...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6509
干净整洁的居住环境,为您的出游带来美好的回忆!! Ideally located in the prime touristic area of Sydney City, Travelodge Sydney Hotel promises a relaxing and wonderful visit. Offering a variety of facilities and services, the hotel provides a...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6504
Great Southern Hotel is in a historic 19th-century building in the heart of Sydney, just a 5 minute walk from Central Station. Air conditioning and cable TV are standard in all rooms. Located next to Chinatown, the hotel...
Parkroyal Darling Harbour Hotel
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6496
Set in a prime location of Sydney, PARKROYAL Darling Harbour Hotel puts everything the city has to offer just outside your doorstep. Offering a variety of facilities and services, the hotel provides all you need for a go...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6489
Ideally located in the prime touristic area of Randwick - Coogee, St. Marks Lodge promises a relaxing and wonderful visit. The hotel offers a high standard of service and amenities to suit the individual needs of all tra...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6467
真诚的服务,为您的旅途愉快尽心尽力!! Amenities: WiFi Outdoor pool Non-smoking rooms Valet parking...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6462
我们的十分用心,但愿换来您十分的满意!! Amenities: Wi-Fi Fitness Center Business Center Restaurant Non-smoking Rooms Parking Airport Shuttle Room Service...
Manly Paradise Motel & Apartments
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6455
应有尽有的酒店,由您的到来而显得蓬荜生辉!! Amenities: Wi-Fi Outdoor Pool Non-smoking Rooms Parking...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6454
Right on Manly Beach, one of Australia's most beautiful and popular beaches, Novotel Sydney Manly Pacific is only 15 minutes by ferry from Circular Quay and central Sydney.Novotel Manly Pacific Sydney offers comfortable ...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6453
Guests can enjoy the rooftop garden with views of Circular Quay and the city skyline at The Russell Hotel. Located in the heart of Sydney's historic The Rocks, it is 2-minute walk from Sydney Harbor.The Russell Hotel Syd...
Aarons Hotel Sydney - By 8Hotels
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6452
闹中取静的休憩佳处。敬请光临!! Located in the vibrant Chinatown district, Aarons Hotel Sydney offers affordable accommodations in the center of the city. All rooms include private bathroom facilities and a flat-screen TV.Each room ...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6451
喧闹的城里里给你一片静逸的天地! Just a 3 minute walk from the Powerhouse Museum, Aspire Sydney offers air conditioned rooms with private balconies. It features a restaurant, a business center and a tour desk.The Aspire Hotel is loca...
Novotel Rockford Darling Harbour Hotel
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6450
Novotel Rockford Darling Harbour Hotel is conveniently located in the popular Darling Harbour area. The hotel offers guests a range of services and amenities designed to provide comfort and convenience. Facilities like e...
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6449
Just a 3 minute walk from Darling Harbor, this waterfront hotel offers modern rooms with flat-screen cable TV. It features a lively bar, and is a 2 minute walk from the ferry.Ibis Sydney King Street Wharf is surrounded b...
Best Western Plus Hotel Stellar
更新时间:2014-03-10 商家 ID:B6448
Guests get free Wi-Fi, in-room kitchenettes and an on-site lounge at the stylish Best Western Plus Hotel Stellar, which is centrally located near Hyde Park. Features: Set in a turn-of-the-century building with a dist...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6384
时尚温馨的酒店,欢迎您的光临! Vibe Hotel Rushcutters offers stylish accommodation just a 5-minute drive from central Sydney. The heated rooftop swimming pool features a terrace with views of Rushcutters Bay.Each room and suite at S...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6383
为您提供物超所值的贴心服务!! Offering an outdoor pool and an on-site restaurant and bar, the Best Western Twin Towers Inn is 15 minutes from downtown Sydney in a convenient, quiet suburban location. Features: Offering superb v...
Apartment Hotel Bondi Beach - The Sandridge Apartments
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6382
Set just off the world-famous Bondi Beach, these apartments offer spacious and stylish accommodations in a fantastic location. Guests can enjoy views of the beach from the building's outdoor terrace.Each apartment featur...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6381
愿有幸为您服务!! Just a 5-minute walk from Woolloomooloo Bay, the 19th-century Simpsons Hotel offers boutique accommodations with free Wi-Fi. It features a cozy guest lounge with a fireplace and an extensive library.Simpsons...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6380
Rydges Parramatta Hotel is a popular choice amongst travelers in Sydney, whether exploring or just passing through. The hotel has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Service-minded staff will welcome and guide yo...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6379
愿您在我们这里如沐春风!! In the heart of Sydney, BreakFree on George offers modern accommodations with air conditioning and satellite TV. Sydney's famous Darling Harbour is just a 10 minute walk away.BreakFree Apartments on Geor...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6378
完备的设施只为你了你的到来!! Featuring spacious rooms with city views, this award-winning hotel features an indoor swimming pool and hot tub. The bars, restaurants and shops of Surry Hills are a 3-minute walk away. There is an on-...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6377
Just a 7 minute walk from Darling Harbor, Travelodge Wynyard offers bright and airy rooms with cable TV. It features a restaurant, a bar and a well-equipped fitness center.Travelodge Wynyard Sydney is located in the hear...
Crowne Plaza Hotel Coogee Beach
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6376
---------------- Features: Guests can stretch out on king-size beds in the 209 warm, ultra-modern rooms at the Crowne Plaza, whose muted pastel colors are inspired by the adjacent Coogee Beach. Flat-panel plasma TVs ...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6375
4星级酒店,期待您的光临。 Amenities: Internet services Outdoor pool Fitness centre Restaurant Non-smoking rooms Parking Airport shuttle Room service...
更新时间:2014-03-09 商家 ID:B6374
Just a 2 minute walk from Darling Harbour and Town Hall Station, Seasons Harbour Plaza offers spacious modern apartments in central Sydney. Facilities include an indoor swimming pool, hot tub, sauna and fitness center.Ea...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6308
享受生活,享受人生。敬请光临!!! Floor-to-ceiling windows flood the Holiday Inn's 250 modern, airy rooms with lots of natural light, and in-room amenities such as flat-panel TVs with cable, minibars, coffeemakers, 24-hour room servi...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6307
Vibe Hotel North Sydney offers stylish and luxurious accommodations in North Sydney, next to Milsons Point Train Station. Guests enjoy sweeping views of Lavender Bay or Kirribilli.Just across the Harbor Bridge from the c...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6306
Opposite Rosehill Gardens Racecourse and minutes from one of the largest shopping centers in Australia, Mercure Hotel Parramatta offers luxurious accommodations with excellent recreational and spa facilities and a busine...
Medina Serviced Apartments Martin Place
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6305
Just a 15-minute walk from Sydney Opera House, Medina Serviced Apartments Martin Place features air-conditioned accommodations with full kitchen and laundry facilities. The property features massage services and a well-e...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6304
Grande Esplanade Quest Manly offers an array of accommodations including a studio, and 1- and 2-bedroom serviced apartments. Most include breathtaking views of Manly's harbor.Guest facilities at the Esplanade include a f...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6303
Rydges North Sydney Hotel is conveniently located in the popular North Shore Sydney area. Featuring a complete list of amenities, guests will find their stay at the property a comfortable one. Service-minded staff will w...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6302
Just a 4 minute walk from Sydney Central Station, The Mercure Sydney features a rooftop pool with panoramic city views, a sauna and a fitness center. All air-conditioned accommodations feature a flat-screen TV and desk.S...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6301
Oozing 19-century atmosphere in the heart of modern Sydney, the Holiday Inn Darling Harbour offers on-site dining, a fitness center, a sauna and rooms with lots of extras. Features: Housed in a historic building that...
Radisson Hotel & Suites Sydney
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6299
愿我们的十分用心服务,换来您的十分的满意!! Amenities: Free Wi-Fi Fitness Center Business Center Restaurant Non-smoking Rooms Valet Parking Room Service Breakfast Buffet...
Courtyard By Marriott North Ryde
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6298
Get a full-service business center and a restaurant equipped with iPads to view restaurant menus, plus a prime location within Macquarie Business Park, at the non-smoking Courtyard by Marriott North Ryde. Features: E...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6296
At Hyde Park in central Sydney, Pullman Sydney Hyde Park features 2 restaurants and a rooftop pool and patio. All guest rooms offer views of the park or city and feature an LCD TV with cable channels.Pullman Sydney's spa...
Novotel Sydney On Darling Harbour Hotel
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6295
Novotel Sydney on Darling Harbour Hotel is perfectly located for both business and leisure guests in Sydney. Featuring a complete list of amenities, guests will find their stay at the property a comfortable one. Take adv...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6291
Seasons Darling Harbour is a boutique apartment hotel perfectly positioned at the southern end of Darling Harbour.With a selection of hotel suites and serviced apartments, this property is suitable for short or extended ...
Four Points By Sheraton Sydney Hotel
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6282
Four Points by Sheraton Sydney Hotel is conveniently located in the popular Darling Harbour area. Featuring a complete list of amenities, guests will find their stay at the property a comfortable one. Family room, shops,...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6278
Castlereagh Boutique Hotel is an elegantly restored, heritage-heritage-listed property ideally located in the heart of Sydney's commercial, retail and entertainment districts. Set between Market Street and Park Street, i...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6275
In the historic Rocks district, Holiday Inn Old Sydney features a rooftop swimming pool offering views of Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. It offers modern rooms featuring a bathtub in a private bathroom.All...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6274
Featuring an indoor heated swimming pool, a fitness center and sauna facilities, Adina Apartment Hotel is in the heart of Sydney. It offers air-conditioned apartments and studios with a private balcony.The spacious accom...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6273
享受人生须尽欢。五星酒店欢迎您! In the heart of Sydney's city center, Swissôtel Sydney is a deluxe 5-star hotel offering accommodations with amazing views of the city skyline. Facilities include a day spa, a rooftop heated pool,...
Mercure Sydney Potts Point Hotel
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6272
Ideally located in the prime touristic area of Kings Cross - Potts Point, Mercure Sydney Potts Point Hotel promises a relaxing and wonderful visit. The hotel has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Facilities lik...
更新时间:2014-03-08 商家 ID:B6271
Offering elegant sound-proof rooms, a rooftop pool and multiple superb restaurants, the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport is a convenient place to stay next to the airport. Features: At the 12-story Stamford Plaza, the g...
更新时间:2014-03-07 商家 ID:B6270
恭候大驾---五星宾馆敬请光临 The historic high-rise setting, top-floor fitness center, stylish buffet bistro and prime downtown location of the Intercontinental Sydney combine to make it a top choice for Priceline guests. Featu...
更新时间:2014-03-07 商家 ID:B6269
Offering on-site dining and drinks, an indoor pool and stunning city views, the Art Deco-style Grace Hotel Sydney is an ideal place for a vacation in the heart of Sydney. Features: Set in a historic 1920s Art Deco bu...
更新时间:2014-03-07 商家 ID:B6268
--------五星宾馆 In the heart of central Sydney, the historic Sofitel Sydney Wentworth has stylish accommodations with flat-screen cable TV. It features a French brasserie-style restaurant, a fashionable bar and a fitnes...
更新时间:2014-03-07 商家 ID:B6267
A massive health club, a spa, three bars, two restaurants, and sweeping views over the downtown skyline let you live it up in swank style at the Hilton Sydney, one of the city's top-rated hotels among Priceline guests. ...
更新时间:2014-03-07 商家 ID:B6266
Surround yourself with art, antiques and glorious views one block from the water at the old-world Sir Stamford Circular Quay, which is a popular pick in Sydney among Priceline guests. Features: Elegant old-world atmo...
更新时间:2014-03-07 商家 ID:B6265
An enviable harborside location, an indoor pool and sauna, a full-service spa and a 150-year-old pub combine to make the non-smoking Marriott Sydney Harbour a popular pick for Priceline guests. Features: All 563 bold...
更新时间:2014-03-07 商家 ID:B6264
宾至如归的感觉。 舒适,安全!! Amenities: Internet Non-smoking Rooms Airport Shuttle...
更新时间:2014-03-03 商家 ID:B6113
Cutting-edge art lines the walls and guests revel in unparalleled amenities such as butler service, a wine cellar and rooms whose floor-to-ceiling windows offer knockout views of Sydney Harbor and the Opera House at the ...
更新时间:2014-03-03 商家 ID:B6112
Elegant amenity-packed rooms with free Wi-Fi, two restaurants, a fitness center and a 50-foot pool are the hallmarks of the Radisson Plaza Hotel Sydney, a non-smoking boutique-style hotel which offers an intimate oasis a...
Ultimate Apartments Bondi Beach
更新时间:2014-03-02 商家 ID:B6111
Ultimate Apartments Bondi Beach is perfectly located for both business and leisure guests in Sydney. Offering a variety of facilities and services, the hotel provides all you need for a good night's sleep. Laundry servic...
更新时间:2014-03-02 商家 ID:B6110
In the center of Parramatta's business district, Mantra Parramatta offers a pool, restaurant and fitness center just 5 miles from Homebush Bay's Allphones Arena and Sydney Olympic Park.Mantra Hotel Parramatta provides a ...
The Langham Sydney (Formerly The Observatory Hotel)
更新时间:2014-03-02 商家 ID:B6109
Amenities: Wi-Fi Fitness Center Business Center Pet Friendly Restaurant Non-smoking Rooms Valet Parking Room Service...
Gold Cost iFLY特价促销中-Southern Cross Traveltech
更新时间:2021-10-11 商家 ID:B13762
@所有人 团购项目 Goldcoast I Fly 室内风洞跳伞 原价 $99 ✅团购价 $49.99 截团日期 10月5日 出票日期 10月7日 使用日期 至2021.12.20(工作日及周末均可使用) 使用方式 至少提前48小时自行跟景点进行预约...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B517
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11952
悉尼凤凰旅行社成立于2003年,十多年来,一直遵循优质优价,顾客至上的理念,为大家服务。 本社主要代理世界各地机票,澳洲境内旅游,及旅游保险业务等。...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11950
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11949
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11946
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11942
澳大利亚大世界旅行社成立于1994年,是澳大利亚旅游协会的会员,也是第一批被澳大利亚政府指定的少数可以接待中国来澳团体业务的旅行社,优质的服务,合理的价格,赢得了客人的信赖和支持。根据业务发展需要,从1998年以来,我们先后在上海、武汉、北京开设了办事处。每年组织、安排大量的来自中国的团体和个人到澳大利亚、新西兰进行政府部门之间交流、商贸考察、举办展 会、文化交流、夏、冬令营以及旅游观光活动;同时,我们与国内外各大航空公司、酒店、游轮公...
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11940
澳游旅行社 Kingsford Flower Oriental Travel
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11938
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11937
海外旅行社 Australian Bravo Travel Agent P/L
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11933
亚洲香港旅行社 Asian Hong Kong Travel
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11932
更新时间:2020-02-03 商家 ID:B11930
更新时间:2019-10-12 商家 ID:B11489
更新时间:2014-03-19 商家 ID:B6633
业务范围: 国际丶国内机票 澳洲及世界各地酒店及租车 澳洲本地及纽西兰观光团 中国各地来澳洲机票 承办中国来澳大利亚丶纽西兰商务考察及学生团体 承办个人或团体赴美国丶加拿大丶欧洲丶非洲丶亚洲等国的旅游...
更新时间:2014-03-19 商家 ID:B6632
跟中旅出门旅游信心十足 由中旅安排行程安全可靠 专业服务澳洲社会二十三年...
更新时间:2014-03-19 商家 ID:B6630
美加丶东西海岸超值团 西欧皇牌超值团 东欧丶俄罗斯胜景游 埃及丶杜拜揽景游 韩丶日双国欢乐游 星丶马丶泰逍遥游 环游世界丶社团包团 机票精选丶特价酒店 代办世界顶级邮轮...
宏城旅游 - Grandcity travel & tours p/l
更新时间:2014-03-19 商家 ID:B6629
宏城旅游集团是集游览咨询丶商旅服务丶票务签证丶客运交通丶文化交流丶会议展览丶学术传播等为一体的跨国集团,是澳大利亚政府注册的一级旅游公司,也是全澳州最大的华人旅游公司。自1994年成立以来,宏城旅游坚持与世界最前列的旅游讯息接轨,与国际最先进的服务标准看齐,在近百名员工的不懈努力下,现已发展成为硬件设施齐全丶服务网络广泛丶经营体系完备的国际性旅游企业集团,其旅游综合能力稳居澳洲旅游界的顶尖地位。 宏城旅游集团拥有ADS入境旅游接待...
更新时间:2014-03-19 商家 ID:B6628
Visa is required for Australian and most other nationalities. China Travel Service will help you procure your visa after you have confirmed the booking with us. Detailed instruction, application fee and visa application...
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